Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Today is 8-6-14

I had a mostly uneventful day today. Alethia and I worked out together this morning. We did a little Turbofire. She has very little exposure to the choreography that is involved in doing these workouts so she struggles a bit but I was proud of her for hanging in there and doing the workout for 45 mins anyway. I prepared for work as I was working 11:30 am-6 pm at Hair Hype today. Shortly before I left for work, Isaac got a text from Bishop saying he needed to meet with Isaac to discuss some details of the requirements he needs to return to missionary service. The possibility that he will not be worthy to return to finish his mission has come into play today so we are on pins and needles now waiting to see what the Brethren in Salt Lake decide about his circumstances and whether he can go back out on his mission or not. Kinda stressful but it is another wait and see scenario that nobody can do anything about.
I worked and had a fairly decent day. I made a good amount of money and I saw clients I enjoyed and did one particularly challenging hair color today that I was very pleased with. Jill was not in today and that always helps my day to go more smoothly. She just bugs me a lot these days and having her right near me always yammering away and interrupting my clients and I drives me up a wall!! It's more peaceful and enjoyable when she is gone. I am seriously contemplating leaving Hair Hype and finding a salon elsewhere to do my business for this reason.
I came home and got some pizzas in the oven for dinner. Lith has her friend Serenity over at the house for the night. I have been looking at places we can go stay as a family for my dad's birthdays next year and think I found a few good prospects in Oregon. I also looked at a few beach front rentals for Jerad and I to go stay in during early October to celebrate our anniversary. I really want to get away just the two of us for a few days but I am unsure what is happening with Isaac so I will wait on those reservations for now. days. I am uncomfortable making any solid plans until I know for sure what is happening with him. Once again, my life is on hold for my kids. It can be frustrating at times for sure, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

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